Friday, April 20, 2007

Nana and Papa Shaeffer

Our sweet daughter in law Lexi has been blogging for awhile and we enjoy reading and seeing what is going on in their family - so we thought we would try it out!


Zane and Lexi said...

YEAH! New bloggers - now we can see what we are missing @ home in California! We Love you guys!!

Thelma Condor said...

Hey, Cathy and Zane, I love it! A blogging site! Keep blogging and I'll keep reading. Makes me feel like a part of the family!
Grandma Tim

Jerrel Mills said...

Hey Sis. Shae, I was just leaving you a comment so you could find the link to our blog and get somewhat caught up on there. Lots of news coming our way.

COTA MOM said...

Cathy, let's see the blogging. It's a great way to keep in touch. Love you guys!!